Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Next Season

You could quite easily be thinking I am referring to the impending change in chlorophyll, cooler nights, and looming gray skies. But, I'm not. Quite simply I am talking about my recent purchase of Season number 3, of dum duh dah...Grey's Anatomy. Yes, the engaging drama rife with professionals, who, frankly would benefit from some serious counseling. I am, however, biased.

It's these little things in life that make me smile. Like being so excited about my new vacuum cleaner that I post a picture of it on the website. This thing really makes you want to clean. Silly as it may be, I even decked it out with some stickers!

I also had to laugh at myself today for losing the cap to my laundry detergent. Of course there are other options, but instead I chose to lug the 3 gallon jug to the washer, push the button until I think I've added the right amount of soap, and then lug the soap back. To think I majored in Chemistry...definitely not analytical!

Lastly, I love watching my dog sleep. It makes me want to take a nap.

And on Tuesday I start fiddle lessons. Have to get ready for Wintergrass.

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